El proyecto se encuentra alineado con el “Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia” anunciado recientemente por el Gobierno de España, enfocado a facilitar la modernización de la economía hacia un modelo sostenible y competitivo que contribuya a poner freno al cambio climático.
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Alertoxnet project Transnational Strategic Workshop will take place o Feb 25th to stablish the strategy of an alert system for detection of emerging marine toxins
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Check the latest News of the Project ALERTOX-NET (EAPA_317/2016) , co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Atlantic Area Programme
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The project partners participate in the workshop: "Prevention and mitigation of mycotoxins in the agri-food industry of Galicia". Presentation of the project and objectives, mycotoxins in food web, detection methods, and mitigation strategies were discussed.
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This 3rd e-newsletter highlights the recent research performed by Agritox partners on mycotoxin binders to mitigate mycotoxins in human drinkable products (beverages) and animal feeds.
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An International Consortium investigates agricultural risk areas of cyanotoxin occurrence in consortium member countries, and to access the fate of cyanotoxins in crops and crop contamination with cyanotoxins.
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This 2nd e-newsletter focuses on the analytical methods for mycotoxin detection and the capacity of Agritox partners and describes the latest progress achieved by the researchers working on the project.
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Check the latest News of the Project ALERTOX-NET (EAPA_317/2016), co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Atlantic Area Programme
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CIFGA makes available to the control laboratories, as well as to the entities involved in the production chain, the necessary tools (standards and reference materials) to carry out regulatory and monitoring analysis
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