CIFGA Laboratory collaborates in the development of two kits based on genetic analysis for the detection of COVID-19

CIFGA Laboratory collaborates in the development of two kits based on genetic analysis for the detection of COVID-19

The laboratory based in Galicia  works against the clock in the design of rapid diagnostic systems. read more
AGRITOX Project Newsletter Issue 1

AGRITOX Project Newsletter Issue 1

The main objective of Agritox is to provide the Atlantic Area food and feed industries with information and technical solutions to avoid the contamination by mycotoxins, which is an increasingly relevant issue due to the influence of climate change read more
El trocito de mar de Lugo que va a Corea

El trocito de mar de Lugo que va a Corea

El Progreso de Lugo entrevista a Eva Cagide, coordinadora de investigación y desarrollo de CIFGA. Cultiva microalgas que generan toxinas marinas estándares que, a su vez, se exportan a distintos países de Europa e incluso más allá, a Corea del Sur, para ser reutilizadas, en algunos casos, para la elaboración de nuevos fármacos antitumorales. read more
La Biotech AMSlab cierra un acuerdo con Laboratorio CIFGA y entra en su accionariado como socio mayoritario

La Biotech AMSlab cierra un acuerdo con Laboratorio CIFGA y entra en su accionariado como socio mayoritario

Las sinergias entre ambas firmas permitirán la ampliación de servicios read more
Bi-annual ALERTOXNET Newsletter

Bi-annual ALERTOXNET Newsletter

Check the latest News of the Project ALERTOX-NET (EAPA_317/2016) , co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Atlantic Area Programme read more
Method for the Determination of Paralytic Shellfish Toxins and Tetrodotoxin

Method for the Determination of Paralytic Shellfish Toxins and Tetrodotoxin

Method for the Determination of Paralytic Shellfish Toxins and Tetrodotoxin in Mussels, Oysters, Clams, Cockles, and Scallops: Collaborative Study read more
Bi-annual ALERTOXNET Newsletter

Bi-annual ALERTOXNET Newsletter

Check the latest News of the Project ALERTOX-NET (EAPA_317/2016) , co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Atlantic Area Programme read more
AGRITOX Kick Off Meeting held in Lugo

AGRITOX Kick Off Meeting held in Lugo

CIFGA participates in the Project AGRITOX (EAPA_998/2018), co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Atlantic Area Programme read more
Structure Elucidation and Biological Evaluation of Maitotoxin-3, a Homologue of Gambierone, from Gambierdiscus belizeanus

Structure Elucidation and Biological Evaluation of Maitotoxin-3, a Homologue of Gambierone, from Gambierdiscus belizeanus

Structure Elucidation and Biological Evaluation of Maitotoxin-3, a Homologue of Gambierone, from Gambierdiscus belizeanus read more