Rapid analysis of Paralytic Shellfish Toxins and Tetrodotoxins by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry using a porous graphitic carbon column
Food Chemistry 269 (2018) 166–172
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Press: Biotoxins developed in Lugo
Biotoxinas con certificado europeo creadas en Lugo
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ALERTOX-NET Kick Off Meeting held in Lugo
CIFGA participates in the Project ALERTOX-NET (EAPA_317/2016), co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Atlantic Area Programme
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New Cifga Website
Welcome to the new site of Cifga Laboratory.
Finally we develope a new and better website, responsive and more intuitive for all of our customers.
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Laboratorio CIFGA gets accreditation as a Reference Material Producer in the marine biotoxin field
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Press: Actualidad Económica rewards the success of Galician companies
Actualidad Económica premia el éxito de las empresas gallegas
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Press: The Galician Cluster Bioga incorporates ten new partners linked to the value chain of the biotechnology sector El Clúster Galego Bioga incorpora diez nuevos socios vinculados a la cadena de valor del sector biotecnológico
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Press: An initiative with the support from Fundacion Genoma
Una iniciativa que cuenta con el apoyo de la fundación Genoma
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