The user who accesses and uses this web page knows and accepts the general conditions here written, and the modifications that can occur, and must accede to them periodically for his information.
The web page includes texts, graphics, images, videos, sounds, drawings, photographs and software included in it, already be capable or not of intellectual property.

The holder of the web is LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A. with CIF: A27351402, with registered office in Rúa do Vidro, 117D, parcelas 3-6. 27003, Lugo (Spain). Communications to LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A. can be sent to the e-mail: or to the postal address previously indicated.

LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A.makes available to the public (hereinafter USERS), which access to the domain (hereinafter WEB), information and data (hereinafter CONTENTS), through an informative web.

The access and use of the WEB by the USERS is free, without previous authorization, subscription or registration.
The access and USERS use to this WEB does not imply any obligation about the quality and speed of the access on the part ofLABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A., which can modify the conditions of access or suspend the access to the WEB, or to part of the WEB, without previous notice, LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A. will not be responsible of the consequences, damages and prejudices caused by the modification of the access and the suspension of the WEB.
Hardware and software needed to access to the WEB will be at the expense of the USERS. LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A. will not be responsible of the functioning and/orof the consequences of them, and/or of the rights of use or licenses needed for use.
LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A. will not be responsibleof any anomaly, evil functioning, and deterioration, erased of information or software that takes place in the equipment or systems of the USERS, as direct or indirect consequence of the access or attempt of access to the WEB.
The service provided by LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A.through its WEB is in indefinite time, without prejudice of being able to suspend or cancel it without previous notice.

The CONTENTS of the WEB are provided by LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A.
The languages used by LABORATORIO CIFGA, the WEB will be Spanish and English, without prejudice of the utilization of other languages, national or regional. LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A.will not be responsible for the comprehension or understanding of the language of the WEB by the USERS, or its consequences.
LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A.will be able to modify the CONTENTS without previous notice, as well as to suppress and to change them inside the WEB, and the form in that one accesses to them, without any justification and freely, and LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A. will not be responsiblefor the consequences that these actions could cause to the USERS.
All the industrial and intellectual property rights of the WEB are property of LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A, as well as itsCONTENTS. Any use of the WEB or its CONTENTS shall be exclusively particular ones. It is reserved exclusively to LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A. any other use that supposes the copy, reproduction, distribution, transformation, public communication or any other similar action, of all or part of the CONTENTSof the WEB, as well as of this one itself, so that no USER can perform these actions without the priorwritten permission of LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A.
It is forbidden the use of the CONTENTS of the WEB to promote, to contract or to spread advertising or own information or of third parties without the authorization of LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A., also sending advertising or information by using the services or information that is provided for the USERS, is forbidden, no matter whether their use is free or not.
The links or hyperlinks that third parties incorporate in their web pages, directed to this WEB, will be for the opening of the complete WEB,they cannot express, directly or indirectly, false, inaccurate or misleading indications, and they will not make any disloyal or illicit actions against LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A.
LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A.will not be responsible for the reliability and speed of the hyperlinks incorporated in the WEB for the opening of other websites. LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A. does not guarantee the usefulness of these linksand is not responsible for the contents or services to which the USERS can accessthrough these links, orfor the good functioning of these webs.

USERS who access the WEB of LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A.will act according to Law, and will undertake the compromise of not accessing the WEB and its CONTENTS for any purpose contrary to the established and/or for any illicit purposes, against the rights and freedoms of others, or that candamage, spoil, saturate or slow down the WEB, causing a detriment to LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A. or third USERS.
USERS will not use the CONTENTS of the WEB in a way opposite to the Law, (specially the Law of Intellectual and Industrial Property) uses and customs and to the public order, USERS will not copy, distribute, disseminate, transform, modify or manipulate those CONTENTS.
LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A.has not in its WEB products or services for the USERS where theymay introduce any type of contents or information, like groups of news, chat, forums or others of similar character.
The access to the CONTENTS of the WEB by the USERS will be at its own responsibility, LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A. will not be responsible in any way of any consequence resulting directly or indirectly from the access to the WEB, no matter they are physical, logical, moral or personal ones.
LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A. can make responsible the USERS that misuse the WEB causing damage or injuries to third parties, USERS will also be responsible ofpossible virus or computer programs they could introduce, generate, lodge in the WEB, and spoil or could spoil both the CONTENTS and the proper functioning of the WEB, as well as the equipment, systems and software of the USERS of the WEB.
LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A.will be able to go against the USERSwhen claims, indemnifications, fines or administrative sanctions that could affect toLABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A.are directly or indirectly responsibility of some USER of the CONTENTS or services of the WEB.
Any USER who knows about any action that is spoiling or may spoil the proper functioning of the WEB of LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A., modify or alter its CONTENTS, shall communicate it immediately to LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A.

LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A. makes available to USERS, through different tools and applications, links that allow USERS to access the channels and web pages in the web site that LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A. keeps on different platforms and social networks belonging to and/or managing by third parties (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.). The inclusion of these links on the WEB is for the sole purpose of allowing USERS to access these channels at different platforms and social networks.
The establishment of these applications does not imply the existence of any relationship between LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A. and the owner, manufacturer or distributor of the linked platform, nor the acceptance and approval by LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A. of their contents and/or services, being their owner, manufacturer or distributor the only one responsible for them.
Under no circumstances LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A. shares with Facebook, Twitter or any other social network which may be included in the future, any type of private information regarding its USERS, being its only one purpose the established in this Legal Notice, as well as in the Privacy Policy of the WEB. According to this, all the information that the user wants to provide to these platforms will be under his/her own responsibility, and LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A. will not be involved in that process.
The activation and use of these applications may require the identification and authentication of the user (login/password) in the corresponding platforms, which are completely external to the WEB and outside the control of LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A. By accessing to these external networks, the user enters in an environment that is not controlled by LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A., and due to this LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A. does not assume any responsibility on the security settings of these environments.
Since LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A. does not control the content hosted on those channels, the USER recognizes and accepts that LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A. does not assume any responsibility for the content or the services to which the user can access in these pages, or for any content, products, services, advertising or material available in those channels. Due to this reason, the user must extreme caution in the evaluation and use of the information, contents and existing services in the linked channels, and in the own or third party information that the user wants to share in those channels.

With these General Conditions of Use, LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A. wants that all USERS know their rights and obligations from the moment they visit its social profiles on Facebook, Twitter, and/or any other similar social network.
Likewise, LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A. informs USERS about their rights and obligations related to the contents exposed through its social profiles, logos and used brands, as well as the responsibilities that may arise from the use of the service.
LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A. is firmly committed to the correct functioning of the service, accordingly to the conditions agreed with the USERS. However, sometimes it is possible that there will be situations from which liabilities could be derived (especially due to the malicious intervention of third parties).
In this sense, some situations (not all the situations, just a few examples) are listed below in which LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A. is not responsible of the acts of the USERS, and they must assume all the responsibilities that may arise:
  •  If any information appears in the social network, which has not been published or shared by LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A., or which has been published by an external third party.
  •  If the social network does not work due to technical reasons attributable to the owner of the platform, third parties or unforeseeable causes or force majeure, social network or third parties will be responsible of these circumstances.
  • If the social network modifies its general conditions of use, privacy policies or operating mode, social network will be responsible of these circumstances.
  • If the user stores, disseminates, publishes or distributes in the social network any type of material consider as defamatory, injurious, discriminatory, promoting violence, or against the moral, public order, fundamental rights, public liberties, honor, privacy or the image of third parties.
  •  If the user utilizes the social network to introduce data, viruses or malicious code in equipment from LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A. or from any other user.
  • If any of the contents accessible through the social profiles of LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A. is contrary to current regulations, LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A. is committed to its immediate withdrawal, as soon as it knows this situation.
LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A. is not committed to inform users when their comments and publications are edited or moderated. However, LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A. could warn and act appropriately to suspend and expel users who send inappropriate content periodically and systematically. Those users who perform the mentioned behaviors more than once, having been suspended or expelled of the service previously, could be removed from the use of the social profile indefinitely. This will entail the definitive expulsion of the program and the permanent blocking of the user.

Likewise, LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A. does not guarantee the veracity, reliability, validity or integrity of the content proportionated by third parties contained in its social profile or any linked site. LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A. is not responsible of the content of web sites that are not operated by LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A.

LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A. recommends users to act with caution, common sense and judiciously when using its social profile and to evaluate meticulously the veracity, validity, integrity and relevance for their purposes of the information published through it. Any decision adopted by users based on such information will be strictly at their own risk.

User who begins to follow social profiles of LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A. can publish comments, links, images, photographs or any other type of content, according to the conditions of each social network. In all cases, user must be his/her owner, enjoy the rights of exploitation of intellectual property or have the consent of affected third parties.

User who decides to share contents in the social profile of LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A. must be aware that his/her publications will be accessible and, therefore, known by other users. Due to this, he/she will be the only responsible of those contents, as well as of their implications for his/her privacy.

LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A. will use its profiles in social networks to publicize its own products/services. If LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A. decides to treat your contact details (user profile in the social network and/or mail address) to perform direct actions of commercial research, it will comply legal requirements included in the Organic Law on Personal Data Protection and Digital Rights Guarantee and in the Law on Information Society and Electronic Commerce.

Recommending social profiles of LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A. to other users, so that they can be informed about its activity, will not be consider as advertising.

Please notify LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A. as soon as possible if anyone detects any content contrary to the current legislation or which may be harmful to users.

User can access to the privacy policy of each social network at any time, as well as configure his/her profile to guarantee his/her privacy.
To answer questions, complaints or claims, you must consult the corporative WEB site of LABORATORIO CIFGA, S.A. The relevant information channels will be available in it.